Why Choose a Firm of Specialist Accident Solicitors?

It is extremely important that accident claims are made through a firm of specialist solicitors that deal specifically with cases of this nature. By using a reputable and successful firm of accident claims solicitors to pursue your compensation award, you are guaranteed to obtain the highest possible settlement dependent on the severity of the injuries you have sustained and the losses you have encountered.

Anyone who has suffered a personal injury through no fault of their own is legally entitled to initiate claims proceedings against a responsible party if there is sufficient evidence to prove that negligence caused the victim to sustain damages, both physical and financial. The majority of accident claims solicitors will not charge a fee for pursuing your case unless you do successfully obtain a settlement. Once your settlement award has been negotiated by a solicitor, the personal injury law firm providing you with legal representation will then pursue the fees from the responsible party.

There are a number of advantages to using a firm of personal injury solicitors if you are considering making a claim for compensation after a road traffic collision. By using a firm of qualified and experienced solicitors, as opposed to using a claims management company or dealing directly with an insurance company, there is a much higher chance of you achieving a successful outcome to your case.

You will have direct access to a specialist personal injury solicitor if you deal directly with a reputable law firm as opposed to taking another route through the claims process. Also, there are no middlemen involved in the claims process if you deal with your dedicated personal injury solicitor directly which means you will get to keep 100% of your compensation as your solicitor will secure their fees from the opposing party.

If you do make a claim through a specialist law firm, your interest comes first and your solicitor will share the risk of making a claim with you. There are risks attached to making a personal injury claim, especially if there is little chance of your case succeeding, which is why you need to use a reputable law firm as they will offer you the best level of protection from any risks involved.

When you make a personal injury claim, the third party you are claiming against generally tends to be an insurance company. Insurance companies will do everything to prevent any financial losses being made by the company and will not offer you the compensation you deserve if you decide to deal with them directly. By using a reputable firm of accident claims solicitors, you will access the maximum level of compensation for your injuries.

You may even be approached by an insurance company after an accident and they may offer to pay you compensation directly. You must remember that the insurance company are protecting their own interests by offering to pay you compensation because they know a solicitor will be able to negotiate a higher award on your behalf. You need to contact an accident claim solicitor independently before accepting anything from an insurance company – you are guaranteed to get a higher award if a solicitor pursues the insurance company on your behalf. You do not have to accept anything that an insurance company offers you if you are not satisfied with the amount being proffered.

Managing Supervised Visitation During Parenting Time

Dealing with a divorce when children are involved can be highly stressful and include numerous decisions that need to be defined and made. One of those decisions is the visitation schedule between both parents and their children. When coming up with visitation schedules, sometimes one parent may need to have supervised visitation time with their children. The court usually orders this because the parent in question has a history with domestic violence, substance abuse or improper sexual behaviors. The court wants children to have contact with both parents, if possible. However, if the one of the parents is declared to be a high-risk parent when left alone with the child, then supervised visitation is required. With supervised visitation, the child can still visit their parent, while still staying safe.

In order to properly draft up a parenting plan that includes supervised visitation, certain details must be included. Rules for the supervision as to what is allowed and what is not acceptable, if the supervisor is a paid supervisor or a trusted third party, such as a grandparent must be determined. Also, if back-up supervisors can be obtained, and if the supervision can expire, be terminated or expanded are all key points to mention in your parenting plan. Make sure you are very specific and as detailed as possible. This will become key and a crucial point for argument and defense once a visitation schedule is drafted.

This is highly recommended because if any problems arise with the supervised visitation, the court is going to look back on this parenting plan to see if the certain rules have been violated. The court will also look back on this parenting plan if you ex-spouse is requesting to either extend the time with the child or terminate the need for supervision. The best plan of action in creating a well-documented parenting plan is to speak with an experienced visitation lawyer who can make sure all these key points are addressed. Once the parenting plan is fully established, then both you and your ex-spouse and keep yourselves, as well as your children, well protected moving forward.